Goodbye 2018

The days seem to have blurred into each other since my last post, so having to play a little catch up.

My cousin Mike's wife died and we attended the funeral at Countersthorpe. This is the third member of the same family in as many months, not a good time, but at least they are at peace.
It is always nice meeting up with relatives but I do wish is could be at a happier time.

Chris and I attended the 'carols by torch light' service at church, always a lovely start to the Christmas festivities, and to remember why we celebrate.

Christmas Day was spent at Richard's with the family and his in-laws. I had arranged a number of games with lots of prizes that seem to go down well.

I ordered a cake from Lisa, well actually 12 cupcakes in the shape of a tree complete with little gingerbread men to complete the decoration before eating. It was a real Hit with everyone, even though we all ended up with green tongues and mouths!

Chris dressed in festive mood, not sure that is the way to wear a tie!

The only photo I seem to have taken on the actual day, guess we were all having too good a time.
I would like to thank everyone for our many gifts and cards.

On the 28th the family came to us for the evening and again games were played before and after the meal. Including a new game I received for Christmas called Globe Runner. We all decided we need to brush up on our geography, as it is a game of travelling around the world answering questions.
The 29th Dorn and Bill came for the evening and after dinner we played Rummikub, we have played this so often I am surprised the numbers have not been worn off.

Finally New Years Eve and we spent it alone while the fireworks all around us lit the sky.

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