Good Friday Discovery

The weather is glorious so we decided to make the most of Good Friday and go for a walk.
We did not want to go too far as usually the traffic is terrible on Bank Holidays plus the local children are on school holidays.
A little research turned up Bradlaugh Fields, neither of us had ever heard of it and it turned out to only be a short distance [2 miles?] from where we live.
Developed from a former golf course, Bradlaugh Fields is a 60-hectare site opened in 1998 having been designed by the local community for the local community.
It has been developed into a site rich in flora uncommon in Europe. A third of the British butterfly species can be found there along with a protected area for badgers.
Because of its conservation value, the park attracts a wide range of visitors each year from education groups to local community activities.

It turned out to be somewhere we definitely go again, although with so many dog walkers we felt bereft not having a dog!
Mowed paths lead through interesting wooded areas, and we still have the main path and barn to explore.

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